How to turn off vanish mode on Instagram

Instagram, a popular social media platform under Facebook’s ownership, allows users worldwide to share photos and videos, connecting with friends and family via private or public accounts.

The latest update introduces the vanish mode feature on Instagram.

This setting automatically removes messages after they’ve been viewed and the user exits the chat with vanish mode activated.

Disabling Vanish Mode on Instagram is a straightforward process.

Navigate to the chat where Vanish Mode is active, swipe up from the bottom of the screen, and release your finger.

This action will turn off Vanish Mode for that specific chat.

Keep in mind that when Vanish Mode is on, the screen stays dark regardless of the Instagram theme settings.

Once Vanish Mode is deactivated, the Instagram direct message background returns to white, especially if the light theme is selected.

Moreover, all viewed messages vanish once Vanish Mode is turned off

What’s Vanish Mode

Vanish Mode has been a longstanding feature on both Facebook Messenger and Instagram.

However, if users accidentally activate it, how can they deactivate this function? Similar to Snapchat’s core feature of messages self-erasing within 24 hours, Vanish Mode provides heightened privacy for both chats and direct messages.

Yet, unlike Snapchat, users need to manually enable Vanish Mode on Instagram as it doesn’t activate by default.

Moreover, messaging platforms such as WhatsApp and Signal also present comparable ‘Disappearing Messages’ functionalities that automatically remove messages after a specific timeframe.

How to Turn Off Vanish Mode on Instagram

Instagram‘s Vanish Mode mirrors Snapchat’s function, but it’s activated only by intentional user choice.

This feature exclusively operates within two-person chats rather than group conversations.

Notably, while in Vanish Mode, you’ll receive notifications if the other person sends a different message.

Additionally, if either party takes a screenshot of the conversation during Vanish Mode, instant alerts are triggered.

To deactivate Vanish Mode in an Instagram chat, simply follow these steps:

  • Launch the Instagram app on your Android or iOS device. Note: Ensure you’re logged into your IG account.
  • Tap the Messenger or DM icon located in the top right corner.
  • Select the specific chat where you wish to disable Vanish Mode.
  • Swipe up from the bottom of the chat screen to deactivate Vanish Mode.
  • Alternatively, tap the ‘i’ icon within the chat screen and toggle off the Vanish Mode feature.”
Using Vanish Mode On Instagram
Using Vanish Mode On Instagram
Source : 91-cdn

Using Vanish Mode On Instagram

Vanish Mode offers heightened privacy but comes with specific considerations.

It automatically activates for conversations between two users if either one opts for it.

However, it’s exclusive to individuals who’ve previously communicated on Instagram, preventing unsolicited messages in Vanish Mode.

Also, it’s restricted to one-on-one chats and isn’t available in group conversations of three or more.

This privacy-focused feature restricts actions like copying, saving, or forwarding messages sent while Vanish Mode is active.

Notably, taking screenshots or recording the screen triggers notifications for the other user.

Users have a 14-day window to report offensive messages even after they vanish from view, though the message won’t be visible for reporting after this period.

Ideal for transient chats, Vanish Mode facilitates sharing sensitive data like passwords or financial information, ensuring the content disappears once sent.

Its simple toggling allows for sending disappearing messages, photos, and videos hassle-free, maintaining privacy while engaging with friends on Instagram.”

Can the Other Person Disable the Vanish Mode

Indeed, Vanish Mode serves as a security feature in messaging, facilitating discreet exchanges of brief information.

Despite its enhanced privacy, most users may not rely solely on Vanish Mode.

Activating this feature requires just one person in the chat to enable it, notifying the other participant about its activation.

The recipient can choose to accept or decline this setting for the conversation.

However, this feature doesn’t prevent users from reporting messages that cause discomfort.

Both parties can deactivate Vanish Mode, though the messages remain until both exit the conversation, not disappearing instantly.


We trust you’ve discovered how to disable Vanish Mode on Instagram.

Enabling Vanish Mode allows regular messaging, with seen messages disappearing upon chat closure.

Exiting Vanish Mode is possible at any time.

Should you have any questions or suggestions, please reach out via the comments section below.

We’re also open to hearing your ideas for future learning topics.

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