How to hide followers on Instagram: The Complete Guide

Are you in search of a method to obscure your Instagram followers? While Instagram offers several privacy settings, hiding followers entirely from your profile isn’t an option.

Nevertheless, you can control who sees your followers.

In this wikiHow article, we’ll walk you through two simple approaches to limit the visibility of your Instagram followers.

Information about your followers, those you follow, your posted photos, and the ones you like is accessible to other Instagram users.

There may be instances when you’d prefer to keep these lists more private. However, there’s no dedicated button to restrict access to these lists.

Yet, we provide free solutions to address this issue. Keep reading to discover these methods.”

Blocking someone on Instagram also prevents them from seeing your followers.

Although they can view the total number of your followers on your profile, they won’t have the ability to click or tap on the follower count to access the names of your followers, and they won’t be able to contact you or view your posts and stories. To block someone on Instagram:

  1. Visit the profile of the individual you wish to block.
  2. Tap the three dots located in the top-right corner.
  3. Select ‘Block.’
  4. Confirm the action by tapping ‘Block’ again.
Blocking someone on Instagram
Blocking someone on Instagram
source : cdn2-imgix

This is a useful solution if you only wish to conceal your followers from a specific individual or a small group of users

When your Instagram account is private, only people who follow you can see your followers

You have the option to keep your following and followers lists hidden from non-subscribers on Instagram by switching your account to private mode.

In this setting, these lists are only visible to your approved followers.

If you wish to attract more followers while maintaining a private Instagram profile, consider including a compelling self-introduction in your bio.

Keep in mind that this is the only part visible to unsubscribed users on your profile, so it’s essential to create a favorable first impression.

Learn how to create a simple brand page with photos and videos, and link to it from your bio for more information.

If you’re comfortable with sharing your posts and stories exclusively with friends, setting your profile to private is the closest option to concealing your followers. To enable private mode:

  1. Click on the profile icon located at the bottom-right corner of Instagram.
  2. Tap the three horizontal lines at the top-right and access ‘Settings.’
  3. Select ‘Privacy.’
  4. Toggle the switch next to “Private Account.”
How to Make Your Instagram Account Private
How to Make Your Instagram Account Private
source : .lifewire

While making your account private is a suitable choice for personal accounts, creators and brands looking to expand their reach may prefer to keep their accounts public.

Hide the lists of Instagram followers and followings from particular users

There might be situations where you wish to prevent a specific individual from viewing your list of followers or accounts you follow on Instagram, even if they are already following you.

In such instances, simply setting your profile to private is insufficient.

You’ll also need to remove their account from your list of followers. This action will render your profile inaccessible to them.

By the way, there are numerous other reasons why periodically cleaning your list of followers on Instagram is important

Hide the followers without making your Instagram account private

If you are actively promoting your Instagram account, then setting your profile to private to conceal your followers and the accounts you follow is not a suitable choice.

In this case, the only viable option is to block specific users.

You’ll need to individually restrict their access, which can be time-consuming.

However, the outcome will be that certain Instagram users won’t be able to see your followers or who you’re following.

It’s crucial to note that these restricted users will also be unable to discover your profile on Instagram, unless you decide to unblock them.

If a user suddenly realizes that they can’t find your profile through a search, it can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts.

Hence, carefully consider the significance of keeping your list of Instagram followers hidden and whether it outweighs the potential risks.

How to block a user on Instagram

Here’s how to block a user on Instagram:

  1. Open Instagram and navigate to the profile of the user you wish to block. Tap the three dots located in the upper-right corner.
  2. Choose ‘Block.’
  3. Instagram will present you with two options: block only this specific account or block all accounts that could be created by this user. Select your preferred option and tap ‘Block.’
An infographic on how to block someone on Instagram
An infographic on how to block someone on Instagram

That’s it! The user is now blocked. As a result, they won’t be able to locate your profile, and your list of followers, followed accounts, and your content on Instagram will remain hidden from them.”

Why would someone want to hide their list of who they follow

Individuals engage in this practice due to feelings of embarrassment or discomfort regarding the nature of the profiles they are following.

They might be following sensitive or inappropriate accounts that they’d prefer to keep hidden from family members or teachers.

However, if the person with privacy concerns follows a public account, anyone who stumbles upon that profile will be able to detect the connection.

Therefore, those seeking discretion should consider setting up a separate anonymous account to follow such potentially embarrassing profiles


There isn’t a dedicated feature that enables you to completely conceal your followers from all users on Instagram. If privacy is a concern for your profile, you can consider the following options:

  1. Set your profile to private.
  2. Remove specific users from your list of followers.
  3. Block the user in question.

Please be aware that making your account private, to hide your followers on Instagram, may impact your ability to gain new followers. To maintain your growth, consider using growth strategies and tools. For instance, you can enhance your bio.

If you’re interested in learning how to hide your Instagram followers, you might also be curious about how to hide the number of likes on your posts

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