How to check who unfollowed you on Instagram

How do you check who unfollowed you on Instagram?

Instagram, a platform owned by Facebook, stands as one of the largest photo-sharing networks, boasting over a billion monthly active users.

Much like Twitter, it operates on a follow-followers model, allowing mutual connections.

When your profile is set to private, only approved followers can access your shared photos and videos.

Notifications alert you when someone requests to follow you, giving you the choice to accept or decline.

Notably, Instagram does not notify users about unfollowers to safeguard privacy.

To track Instagram unfollowers, two options exist: manual tracking or utilizing third-party applications.

How to check who unfollowed you on Instagram

Instagram presents users with their followers and following counts, yet it abstains from notifying them when someone unfollows.

Despite various app updates by Meta, this aspect of displaying followers and followings has remained consistent.

Within a user’s profile, the count of followers and following is prominently displayed at the top.

Although these follower numbers regularly fluctuate, Instagram doesn’t issue notifications for unfollows.

Users can manually check for unfollowers by inspecting their followers list.

By typing the suspected person’s name, if it appears, they’re still a follower; if not, they’ve unfollowed.

This manual method helps users identify those who’ve unfollowed them.

How to check who unfollowed you on Instagram
How to check who unfollowed you on Instagram
Source : cloudincome

Manual method steps

  • The first thing you can do is go to your profile and click on ‘Followers’.
  • You can then search a name to check if they are following you or not.
  • Another method is to go to the person’s profile and click on ‘Following’.
  • You can then search for your name to check if they are following you or not.

Other Ways To See Who Unfollowed You

While Instagram lacks an official means to track unfollowers, users can easily access this data through third-party apps.

These apps are specifically designed to maintain real-time follower and following counts.

Whenever a user loses a follower, these trackers instantly notify the user, displaying the username.

An example is FollowMeter, accessible on both Android and iOS.

Upon downloading FollowMeter from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store, users log in using their Instagram accounts.

After login, the app assesses their Instagram profiles, offering an array of insights, including unfollowers or accounts not following back.

Accessing the insights icon at the bottom left and selecting ‘Unfollowers’ generates a list of those who’ve unfollowed the user since installing the app.

Utilizing FollowMeter in a step-by-step manner would involve the following process:

FollowMeter serves as an analytics tool designed for Instagram account analysis.

To utilize FollowMeter:

  1. Download FollowMeter on your Android or iOS device.
  2. Open the app and log in using your Instagram credentials.
  3. Once the app completes its analysis, it offers comprehensive insights.
  4. To identify unfollowers, click the first tab at the bottom left.
  5. Select ‘Unfollowers’ to see who unfollowed you.
  6. Discover accounts not following you back by choosing ‘Not following you.’
  7. To view followers you don’t follow back, click ‘You are not following back.’

While these third-party apps provide insights into unfollowers, they have drawbacks.

They may compromise account security by requesting user IDs and passwords.

Additionally, they only track unfollows after installation and might cease working if Instagram alters its API.


Discovering who followed you on Instagram is straightforward, but uncovering unfollowers is a bit more challenging.

You have two options: manually reviewing your “Followers” list or installing a third-party app for follower tracking.

Both methods enable you to identify those who’ve unfollowed you, ensuring you can access this information regardless of the approach you select.


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